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  • Фото автораНаталья Ковалева

Фразы для сравнения двух картинок (ЕГЭ, устная часть)

Task 4.

Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

say what the pictures have in common

say in what way the pictures are different

say which of the concerts presented in the pictures you’d prefer

explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously

1. In both photos I can see...

(На обеих фотографиях я вижу...

2. In the first one I can see...

(На первой я вижу...)

It might be …

(Это может быть...)

I'm not sure but...

(Я не уверен,но...)

As I see it,...

(Насколько я вижу,.

3.The other photo is similar/different.

(Другая фотография похожая/отличается.)

The two pictures are related because ……

It looks like they are …..

The other photograph shows …..

It must be...

(Это должно быть...)

It looks as if...

(Это выглядит,как будто....)

As far as I'm concerned,...

(Насколько я осведомлен,...)

4.From my point of view,...

(С моей точки зрения,...)


In both photos I can see …..

In the first one I can see ….

The other photo shows …

Both photos are similar because ….

The two pictures are related because …

At the same time, these pictures have some differences …..

In the first one I can ….

In the second photo I can see …….

In the background of this picture …..

In the foreground I can see........

The main picture is of ……

The smaller picture is of …..

It looks like they are …..

In both photos I can see …..

In the first one I can see ….

The other photo shows …

Both photos are similar because ….

The two pictures are related because …

At the same time, these pictures have some differences …..

In the first one I can ….

In the second photo I can see …….

In the background of this picture …..

In the foreground I can see........

The main picture is of ……

The smaller picture is of …..

It looks like they are …..

In both photos I can see …..

In the first one I can see ….

The other photo shows …

Both photos are similar because ….

The two pictures are related because …

At the same time, these pictures have some differences …..

In the first one I can ….

In the second photo I can see …….

In the background of this picture …..

In the foreground I can see........

The main picture is of ……

The smaller picture is of …..

It looks like they are …..

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Dec 09, 2018

то что нужно


Dec 08, 2018

Спасибо за размещённую информацию, которая пригодится мне для сдачи ЕГЭ!


Dec 08, 2018

Спасибо за материал, мне он пригодится в работе.


Наталья Ковалева
Наталья Ковалева
Dec 07, 2018

Спасибо за отзыв.


Dec 04, 2018

Очень интресный материал.

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